Panel SA: Social media concentrate 80% of Conar’s work


Sergio Pompilio, the new president of Conar (National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation), takes office this week at a time when social media is at the forefront.

Currently, they concentrate around 80% of Conar’s work and are treated as a challenge.

The council has a board dedicated to the topic and launched, in December 2020, a guide with guidelines for the digital influencer. Many are unaware of elementary recommendations from the advertising market.

According to Conar, there is a high willingness on their part to correct non-standard behavior when they are alerted. Monitoring such a pulverized environment is still complex and depends on the participation of consumers, according to Pompilio.

“It’s even difficult to conceptualize what an influencer is. There are cases of children who have 5,000 to 10,000 followers on social networks,” he says.

Of the total cases opened by Conar in the last five years, around 70% originate in consumer complaints.

“We have a very strong ally, which is the Brazilian consumer itself. Issues related to values, ethics and transparency appear and reach Conar in a more incisive way. We have civil society attentive and aware of Conar’s role, which also helps us a lot” , says Pompilio.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Gilmara Santos

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