Commodities Shuttle: Meats remain high abroad, but fall domestically


Brazil lost the rhythm of exports of meat “in natura” last month, compared to the same period of the previous year.

Despite a slowdown in volumes, revenues continue to grow for exporters, according to data released by Secex (Secretariat of Foreign Trade), this Monday (1st).

Beef exports maintain a good volume, repeating the level of 167 thousand tons of July 2021. Pork exports, on the other hand, had a retraction of 5%, retreating to 87.91 thousand tons.

Foreign sales of chicken also lost pace last month, compared to the same previous period. Secex data indicate exports of 377,100 tonnes of “in natura” protein, 3.6% below the volume in July 2021.

Although the country has slightly reduced the volume exported, the external demand does not allow a drop in international prices, with the exception of the negotiation values ​​of pork.

The slowdown in purchases from China caused the average value of this protein to fall to US$ 2,381 per ton last month, 4.6% less than in July 2021.

Chicken meat, on the other hand, appreciated by 30% in the period, rising to US$ 2,237 per ton. The beef was at US$ 6,549, with an increase of 20% in 12 months.

In the domestic market, meats are starting to lose price, with the exception of pork, which, due to a lower supply and resumption of exports, interrupted the downward trend. In July, the high was 2% for consumers.

According to a survey by Fipe (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas), beef had a drop of 0.5%, and chicken rose 1%, a lower rate than that recorded in previous weeks.

Milk The rise in prices is due to the lack of product supply, and not to a recovery in demand, according to analysts at Itaú BBA.

Credit AgroForte, the first 100% digital credit agfintech, specialized in the animal protein chain, has R$410 million in credit to finance small rural producers throughout Brazil.

credit 2 In a first stage, the focus is on the integrated and cooperative members of the poultry, swine and milk chains, for which the startup offers credit lines for the purchase of equipment, inputs and funding. The startup’s potential reaches 350,000 families in the protein chain.

Solar energy AgroForte should also launch a special credit line to finance solar energy panels. In addition to being an alternative to electric energy, the producer reduces the emission of greenhouse gases in his production system.

heading north Frísia, a cooperative from Paraná, about to celebrate its centenary, foresees an increase in the planting area to 50 thousand hectares in the 2022/23 harvest in Tocantins.

Northbound 2 Upon arriving in the region in 2016, the cooperative had an area of ​​4,000 hectares. There are currently 134 cooperative members, spread across 22 municipalities in the state. Frísia originates in Paraná, being the oldest cooperative in the state.

green credit Usina Vertente, a partner in the Tereos Brasil and Humus groups, obtained US$ 12 million in financing. The amount will be used to finance sugar exports and refinancing the company.

green credit 2 Released by Rabobank, the credit has targets linked to sustainability indicators. The plant is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption per ton of cane crushed and the number of work accidents, in addition to increasing the area of ​​certified cane.

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