Panel SA: Grupo de Luiza Trajano says candidates in SP promise to seek 50% of women in the secretariats


The Women of Brazil Group, founded by businesswoman Luiza Trajano, wrote a letter of commitment to candidates for the government of São Paulo asking for gender parity in the next administration.

According to the group, the three leaders in the polls, Fernando Haddad (PT), Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) and Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB) have already agreed to the terms and are committed to making efforts to seek equity in the composition of the government, especially in the secretariats. .

The term also cites the creation of public policies that make it possible to expand the number of women in the formal job market and in entrepreneurship to generate autonomy and economic independence.

The increase in schooling and the permanence of young people and women in schools, the enhancement of the teacher’s career and effective actions to combat violence against women are also on the list of demands.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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