Panel SA: Bolsonaro talks about releasing payroll to compensate for the nursing floor, but the sector finds it insufficient


The health sector considered the idea announced by Bolsonaro to relieve the payroll to offset the cost of the nursing floor to be insufficient.

For Bruno Sobral, executive secretary of CNSaúde (an entity that brings together companies in the sector), an exemption would be positive, but the benefit would not correct the discrepancy of impact in poorer states, where wages are lower.

He also states that philanthropic institutions and micro and small companies in the Simples Nacional regime would not benefit.

“For philanthropy, it is much more a problem of lack of revenue from the SUS than of exemption. They are already exempt. Whoever is in Simples is the same thing: the company does not pay for the real or presumed profit”, says Sobral.

In the evaluation of Antonio Britto Filho, executive director of Anahp, the exemption of the payroll is a good alternative. “It is definitive, in the sense that it permanently resolves the matter. And it is proportional: what will create an expense with the floor is exempted by the other side.”

He points out that the solution for the Santas Casas must be different. “The Santas Casas have defended that there is a direct annual transfer from the Treasury”, says Britto.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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