Panel SA: Supplier says customs clearance delayed delivery of 250,000 flu tests


MedLevensohn, a supplier of rapid tests for Covid and Influenza, sent a message to customers warning that the customs clearance of a batch of tests for influenza, which arrived in Brazil on January 9, was “extremely slow”.

In the statement, the company attributed the delay to the high rate of removal of contaminated inspectors from the Treasury Department who work in the ports, in addition to claims of the category that could be delaying the process.

The lot has 250,000 units of the rapid tests for the diagnosis of Influenza.

Sought by the SA Panel, the company claims that the product has already been released. “MedLevensohn made this announcement to its customers based on information it obtained from the market, in order to keep them informed about the scenario”, says the company in a note.

The bottleneck also raised fears of delays in the expected arrival of new shipments of Covid-19 tests. This week, MedLevensohn said it is talking to suppliers to bring emergency batches to Brazil.

Sought by the report, the IRS did not respond.

with Andressa Motter e Ana Paula Branco


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