BBB 23: Shoeface’s tic disorder is a consequence of Tourette’s Syndrome; understand


Anyone who sees Cara de Sapato’s fights in the UFC octagon cannot imagine that outside the ring the fighter and BBB 23 participant has many weaknesses. That’s because he has suffered from Tourette’s Syndrome since childhood, a condition that causes a series of nervous tics and anxiety attacks.

As if that were not enough, this disorder can be aggravated by confinement, as explained by Leonardo de Sousa Bernardes, a neurologist specializing in neuro-oncology at Escola Paulista de Medicina/UNIFESP. “His anxiety and psychiatric issues in general may be more highlighted in an environment like the BBB. It is a disease with a genetic background. Studies show that 15% of cases have to do with heredity”, he says.

The specialist explains that the syndrome is characterized by motor and/or vocal nervous tics. “The tic is that urgent feeling that we need to make a motor gesture, like bending our neck or moving our arm, which can be embarrassing,” he says. The disorder, according to the doctor, can ease over the years, but there are cases where it can get worse.

At BBB 23, Sapato appears to have a moderate order syndrome. There are times when a person cannot even control what he says. Therefore, there are cases in which the bearer of the syndrome curses or speaks inappropriately to others without being able to control the triggers. Many of them need to carry a report to prove they have the disorder. Films such as “The Code of Love” (1999) and “First in the Class” (2008) have already addressed the issue.

In Globo’s reality show, the fighter showed some tics with his arm, mouth and nose. He also suffers from anxiety attacks, especially at night. In one of these crises, he had to receive help from the doctor Amanda Meirelles.

“Therefore, it is not uncommon for Tourette Syndrome to be associated with psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These disorders usually begin in childhood, with peaks around 10 years”, explains the doctor.

In the case of Sapato, the diagnosis came at the age of nine, as his brother, Mário Figueiredo, told the magazine Quem. Since then, the fighter has been monitored by psychologists and the symptoms have never interfered with his profession. The discipline of sport helps you stay focused.

Although there is no cure, the treatment can be based on behavioral therapy, in mild cases, or linked medications, when the tics are disabling or alter the social/professional life of those who suffer from the syndrome. In addition to Sapato, famous people have the syndrome, such as singer Billie Eilish, who was already upset about being a reason for grace for others, and former player David Beckham.

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