After the elimination of Ricardo Alface this Thursday (20), Larissa remains in the dispute alongside Amanda, Aline Wirley and Bruna Griphao. The “desert” sisters are in disbelief who are in the TOP 4 and celebrate. “We did it, girls. Thank you, Brazil! (…) It seemed so far away, now it’s the four of us. My God, what a dream!”, celebrates Larissa.
After the celebration, the sisters go to the Prova da Finalista and whoever wins already guarantees their place in the Final of the reality. The last wall of the season will be formed with the other three sisters on Friday (21). After the elimination of the 18th sister, which will take place on Sunday (23), a new poll will open with the three finalists of the season. This time, the public votes on who they want to see as the edition’s champion. On Tuesday (25), the public will meet the great champion of BBB 23 (Globo)
The participants then go to the testing space and listen to the guidelines. The presenter warns that the benches they will be sitting on will rotate and they have to hold a disc throughout the test. They can press the button written “On Star” to stop their own bank from turning for 30 seconds, but they will only be able to use the benefit 15 times during the test. The sisters are also allowed to nap, but if they drop the disc, they will be eliminated.
Source: Folha
I am Frederick Tuttle, who works in 247 News Agency as an author and mostly cover entertainment news. I have worked in this industry for 10 years and have gained a lot of experience. I am a very hard worker and always strive to get the best out of my work. I am also very passionate about my work and always try to keep up with the latest news and trends.