BBB 23: Aline Wirley complains about being scheduled for the final interview with Fred Nicácio and Domitila


It seems that that maxim of hurts and dislikes stay in the BBB 23 house after the end of the reality is not quite like that for Aline Wirley. The singer did not like being cast with Domitila and Fred Nicácio in a chat promoted by Globo on the internet and complained to former allies of the fourth Deserto. But the outburst “leaked” on the networks during a video recorded by Antônio Cara de Sapato with Amanda Meirelles. In the audio, the editing runner-up criticizes the choice of program production.

“They put me, Fred Nicácio and Domitila to do the interview. And I said: damn, bro, that’s it!”, vented Aline Wirley who continues to speak ill of the duo until she is interrupted by Fred Bruno, who also seems indignant with the production . “Wow!!! They put Larissa with Cowboy and Key, bro?”, he shot. Also participating in the conversation were Bruna Griphao and Amaanda Meirelles, the Globo reality champion.

Filmed by Cara de Sapato, the video celebrated the fighter’s encounter with the group. He even deleted the publication, but it quickly fell on the networks and Internet users wasted no time. “This Aline just goes downhill”, commented a user of the social network. “You’re just showing who you really are!”, fired another. “But with a sexual harassment she likes to be and stay close, right?”, detonated another viewer of the program, referring to the brother who was expelled from BBB 23. Cara de Sapato and MC Guimê were indicted for sexual harassment against Mexican Dania Mendez.

Aline was also defended by some netizens. “It was really embarrassing and Globo did it to cause it. She was right to complain”, said a follower.

Source: Folha

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