And while there are many factors that predict the success or failure of a relationship, in this case, it’s the innate nature and habits of the two signs that give them a low rating on the compatibility scale.

Cancer’s jealousy and possessiveness can irritate Sagittarius

As a moody sign, Cancer is often ruled by its emotions. He can be just as possessive of his mates as he is protective of them. And while there are signs that may enjoy such attention, a free spirit like Sagittarius may feel pressured by it. Sagittarius has an innate need to be liked by their friends, so their feelings will be hurt by a jealous and suspicious partner like Cancer.

Sagittarius can be in love and at the same time looking for personal space and time

A healthy dose of trust and room to grow as a person is key in all relationships. However, Cancer can be clingy and always looking for a soul mate. Sagittarius on the other hand thrives on flirting. Sagittarius also enjoys the space that allows them to live without rules that they don’t impose on their loved ones. This can bring out the worst in a Cancer lover, who may hope to have complete control over the other.

Both may face barriers to communication

Cancer tends to not talk and just sulk instead of opening up about what might have hurt their feelings. Sagittarius on the other hand is a straight talker and wants to have an honest conversation. So any conversation can end up in a nasty argument between the two.

However, great friendships can be formed between these two signs. However, they work best in a situation where there are little to no expectations of the other, so that both feel free to seek their thrills with lovers who are more attuned to their needs.