To two actors – due to the pause imposed on the institution by the pandemic the previous two years – and specifically to Sophia Kokkalis and to Amalia Kavalithe “Melina Merkouri” theater prize was awarded, in a ceremony held on Thursday, May 24, 2023, at the institution of the same name in Plaka.

Sofia Kokkali was honored for the 2020-2021 theater season, where her performance in the play stood out Moliere’s “Women’s School”., directed by Hector Lygizos and presented at the Athens and Epidaurus Festival. For the 2021-2022 season, Amalia Kavali was distinguished for her performance in the plays Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s “The Honorable Doctor” and “How much does it cost to live?” by Martina Mayokwhich was directed by Thomas Moschopoulos at the Porta Theatre.

The pin of Melina Merkouri was awarded by its previous owner, the actress Dimitra Vlagkopoulou to the two winners, who will keep the pin for six months, until the next award. Candidates for the award were also Amalia Arsenithe Maria Mochourithe Kitty Paitazoglou and the Eleni Boukli.

It is noted that the “Melina Merkouri” theater prize was established in 2007 at the initiative of the Melina Merkouri Foundationand is awarded annually to the best performance by a young female actor.

Along with the cash prize (amounting to 3,000 euros), the actress will also receive the pin of Melina Merkouri, which she will hand over to the next winner.