LGBTQIA+ entity opens MP action against sertanejo Bruno for allegedly transphobic speeches


Julius Boll

The Association of LGBTI+ filed a request for action against the sertanejo Bruno, from the duo with Marrone, at the Public Ministry of São Paulo. The request is motivated by the artist’s statements in an interview with the transsexual reporter Lisa Gomes, on May 12th. The information was confirmed by the entity’s lawyer and by the MP to F5.

“The MPSP received a representation this Monday (29). The Special Group to Combat Racial Crimes and Intolerance (GECRADI) will investigate the facts, there is still no complaint”, informs the MP, in an official note.

The lawyer specializing in criminal law Ângelo Carbone, who represents the association, indicates that the sertanejo committed a hate crime for transphobic reasons, according to the request made available to F5. “The deleterious effects of the transphobic hate crime committed by the singer Bruno reinforce the system of discrimination that transvestite women and transgender women suffer on a daily basis, socially excluding them from their identity gender and thus preventing the realization of their human rights of happiness, acceptance and social and professional achievement”, reinforces the document.

wanted by F5, Lisa comments that the hate attacks have been getting worse in recent days. “There are many crazy fans who still blame me for what Bruno did. I was a victim of all this, I went to work and left with a psychological problem”, she says, to the report.

Bruno was also contacted and did not return to the placement request.

On May 12, Lisa interviewed the singer for the program TV Fama, from Rede TV!. He asked bluntly, “Do you have a dick?” The reporter, who is transsexual, scowled, but continued the interview.

Source: Folha

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