The wife and son of Yiannis Floriniotiswho suddenly “left” us a few days ago, spoke on the show “Our Breakfast” with Fai Skordas.

Excited his son, Nikos Floriniotis, mentioned, among other things, that no one expected this sudden death of his. “My father was fine. In fact, he was on social media, making his posts… And suddenly he got out of bed and had a seizure. They found him in the room collapsed. She had gotten up to go to the bathroom and the doctors told us it was a blockage“, his son said on the broadcast, devastated.

For her part, the wife of Giannis Floriniotis, Machi, said that “John was not listening. There was no one in the room and he got up to go to the bathroom. His oxygen was very low». “My father didn’t think he was going to die. He used to tell us: ”I will live for years”, added Nikos Floriniotis.

His wife’s response to those who mentioned that they had been living apart for a long time was also jaw-dropping. “I may have been separated from Giannis, but I was with him for life. I had married John as a minor, imagine that my parents had signed. If I had remarried again I would choose Giannis, because he gave me 3 wonderful children“, he said with emotion.

Finally, his son, Nikos Floriniotis pointed out that his father had been wronged and “struggled” a lot in his work. “If I were born again I would want the same father. We have to get on with our lives, because that’s what he would have wanted too. To see that we are well“, he added.