Former BBBs Eliezer and Viih Tube spoke about the attacks received by Lua, the couple’s 7-month-old daughter. In an interview with Fantástico (Globo), this Sunday (19), they said that the abusive comments on social media began to appear when Lua was three months old, and at first they were disguised as tips.
The situation was getting worse. “‘What’s the point of being born rich, but being obese?’. ‘She had everything to be beautiful, but she’s obese. Poor thing’. ‘She’s going to explode (laughs).’ says Eliezer. “This is not an opinion. This is an attack”, adds Viih Tube.
The two say that they had thought about not exposing the child’s birth and life. However, they changed their minds about a week after she came into the world. Viih Tube says she has no regrets and that all the involvement she created about her pregnancy was beneficial. “I helped countless mothers and it did me a lot of good to hear them and have this exchange. We are posting a photo of our happy family, it is something natural for us.”
Now, however, the feeling is of exhaustion. “On the pillow, he just cries. And he really cries, he loses his breath, because he feels like he has nothing to do”, reports the influencer, about Eliezer. “That’s what affects me, not being able to protect not only my daughter but my family.”
This week, the influencer released a video stating that he took legal action against the attacks. “Honestly, I think people will only start to feel it when it affects their pockets. Then they sue, so they have to pay”, says Viih Tube.
Source: Folha
I am Frederick Tuttle, who works in 247 News Agency as an author and mostly cover entertainment news. I have worked in this industry for 10 years and have gained a lot of experience. I am a very hard worker and always strive to get the best out of my work. I am also very passionate about my work and always try to keep up with the latest news and trends.