BBB 22: Lina and Arthur fight over noise in the room and Gustavo celebrates


Arthur Aguiar and Linn da Quebrada had an argument this Sunday (27) at Big Brother Brasil 22. The actress and singer complained to the actor because of the noise he was making in the Grunge Room.

“Xi… if you want to talk, you go outside, see,” said Lina. “Oh, do you want to sleep?”, replied Arthur. “They are not respecting the girl [Jessilane] he’s feeling sick”, replied the actress. “Hey, you talk all the time when I’m here”, said the actor. “We’re really going to talk”, replied Lina.

The two continued exchanging barbs to Gustavo’s delight, who celebrated. “That’s the mood I like”, said the brother laughing. “This is the BBB I subscribed to for the pay-per-view.”

Later, already awake, Lina apologized to Arthur. “Sorry if I was boring and rude at bedtime. I was worried about Jessi,” she said.

“No problem, I was just upset because I didn’t know and you spoke as if I knew […] And since you were rude in front of everyone and gave me an answer that I didn’t expect, I preferred to believe that you weren’t having a good day and said: ‘I’m not going to argue with her, because I like her and I’m going to let it go. he replied.The two embraced afterwards.

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