Father Marcelo Rossi, 57, was one of the guests on Domingão com Huck (Globo) this Sunday (30). Successful in the late 1990s with the song “Erguei as Mãos”, he was on stage on the program to celebrate his 30 years as a priest.
In addition to singing, he answered some curiosities from presenter Luciano Huck. The majority had to do with the physical change that the priest has undergone in recent years, starting to sport a gym “shape”, with the gain of a lot of muscle mass.
The priest explained that an incident that went viral around the world was responsible for the change. In 2019, he was pushed by a woman who broke through security and threw him from the top of the structure where he was saying mass in Cachoeira Paulista (SP).
“With that push, I realized the importance of taking care of myself physically,” he said, adding that he immediately forgave the faithful responsible for the incident. “I have a degree in physical education, I did a lot of bodybuilding. Before I became a priest, I was very strong. Then I stopped, I forgot what I taught others.”
Father Marcelo also recalled the period when he faced severe depression, which caused him to lose a lot of weight. “I’m 1.95 m tall, do you know how much I weighed during my severe depression? 60 kg,” he revealed.
Before becoming religious, he was also an army armorer and handball goalkeeper, and explains that he decided to take care of himself to have more longevity. “If a person knows the importance of exercising, for the body and for the soul… it’s not aesthetics, it’s health, and when you start taking care of your health you will live beyond and not depend on others in your 80s, 90s years,” he said.
Source: Folha
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