BBB 22: Arthur says he has no other nomination option besides Laís


After winning the Leader’s Test on Thursday night (17), Arthur Aguiar made it clear that he intends to nominate doctor Laís Caldas to Paredão, which will be formed this Sunday (20). However, he revealed that he doesn’t have a second option if his sister is immunized after the result of the Angel Trial.

In a conversation with Pedro Scooby and Paulo André at the academy, he stated that he would not know who to indicate if the doctor was no longer an option. “Those are possibilities. If the Angel falls over there… If it falls into Lina’s hand?”, reflected PA “She’ll give it to Jessi”, Scooby replied.

“If it fell into Jessi’s hand, it would go to Lina. Nat to Eli. Eli to Laís. Lucas to Eslô, Eslô to Laís”, continued the Olympian. So after PA’s speech, Arthur concluded: “Only one of the three can’t win: Eslô, Eli and Laís”.

“If Eslô immunizes Laís, who would you vote for?”, asked the surfer. “Na Eslô”, replied PA However, the actor denied that he would vote for the miss, and said he would need to think. “Arthur has so much strategy in his head that he’s hard to keep up,” joked Scooby.

This week’s leader test was held in pairs. Lina and Eslô, Gustavo and Natália, Paulo André and Jessi, Scooby and Eli, Arthur and Lucas, Douglas and Laís formed the teams. After winning the competition, the duo Arthur and Lucas had to decide, still live, who would have the leader’s necklace, and the chosen one was the actor from Rio de Janeiro. The medical student was left with R$ 10 thousand.

To the surprise of the confined, those eliminated from the reality show had to fulfill a challenge linked to the dynamics of leadership: appoint a direct participant to Paredão. “The first walled up of the week will be chosen by the players already eliminated from the BBB 22” said the presenter, Tadeu Schmidt.

Luciano, Rodrigo, Naiara Azevedo, Bárbara, Brunna Gonçalves, Larissa and Jade Picon chose, among the worst in the Leader’s Test, Gustavo for the hot seat, which will be complemented on Sunday (20).

Rodrigo, chosen leader of the eliminated ones, had to eliminate an ex-brother from the dynamics. He, in turn, excluded Naiara Azevedo, with unanimous support from the other former participants. The decision, however, ended up turning into a laundry between the singer, Rodrigo, Brunna, Bárbara, Jade, Larissa and Luciano.

The eliminated ones exchanged accusations and showed dissatisfaction with each other’s attitudes when they were still indoors. Next, it was Vyni’s turn to chat with Larissa. The ex-brothers cited videos and comments made to each other after eliminations, consistency and inconsistency, and lack of dialogue.

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