The Five Worst Foods You Can Eat If You Have Arthritis


Arthritis is a term that describes inflammation and consequently joint pain.

Its treatment or at least its relief depends on science, however as it is an inflammation, its symptoms could be reduced or respectively increased by consuming certain foods.

According to experts, ideal foods to reduce joint pain are vegetables and especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, peppers, kale and beets.

Foods to Avoid

Trans-fatty acids

Trans fats should be avoided as they can cause or worsen inflammation. Trans fats are found in most processed foods such as cookies, crackers, donuts and fast food.

Tip: Labels refer to as “partially hydrogenated vegetable oils”.


Even if you do not have an intolerance, there are good reasons to avoid regular gluten consumption. The main link is between celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Processed carbohydrates and white sugar

Simple carbohydrates and refined sugar have earned a well-deserved reputation in recent years for a good reason. These are essentially nutrient-free toxins that the body does not need.

Processed and fried foods

Fried foods are overcooked and all or most of their nutrients have been destroyed. They also contain many known carcinogens. They can easily cause inflammation by activating the body’s defense mechanisms, which will create an exacerbation of arthritis.

Foods you can eat


Nuts are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. They contain magnesium, zinc, vitamin E. It is also an easy way to get the protein you need to keep your digestive system healthy.

Garlic and Onion

Loaded with immune-boosting properties, garlic and onions are a duo of superheroes.


Another great source of protein and fiber, beans are a great way to replace many foods that aggravate joint pain. Beans are rich in folic acid, zinc, iron and potassium – which are known to have important immune-boosting properties.

Citrus fruits

Sweet, refreshing and delicious, oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes are also valuable allies in the fight against joint pain. Not only is it rich in vitamin C, but a juice is also an ideal substitute to avoid another cup of coffee.

Green tea

Known for its many benefits, green tea can also help reverse the trend against arthritis. Loaded with powerful antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea reduces inflammation and slows down the process of cartilage damage.

In any case, before any adjustment to your diet, consult your doctor.

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