Samantha Schmütz can’t stand the “exemptions” and often uses her networks to criticize fellow professionals who don’t use their visibility to take a political stand. That’s how it was with Juliana Paes, who declared herself “neutral” last year – and heard a few good things from the actress. It happened again this Monday (16), but this time the scolding was with Juliette.
The former BBB and now a successful singer – she had performed and sold out one of the biggest concert halls in São Paulo over the weekend – said in “Altas Horas” this Saturday that “as an artist” she felt obliged to to participate “in everything that reflects on society”. Juliette – sitting next to Juliana Paes, you see – even made a reservation when including herself in the list of artists. “I’m still becoming.”
The discourse of the “obligation” of a public person to take a political stand is the same as ardently defended by Samantha. But this time the actress, who has been trying for a singing career for a few years, saw another problem there. “I think it’s great that she takes a stand… But is she an artist?” wrote Schmütz.
She regretted it and deleted the comment soon after, but the damage was already done. “Brazil breathes art… The northeast breathes art. Being an ex-BBB member cannot be a parameter to belittle the previous and later journey of the program participants. To invent and reinvent yourself is pure art”, said Lumena, ex-BBB 20.
Other ex-participants of the reality also criticized Samantha’s stance, (“Why are there people who belittle someone so much just for being ex-BBB? Is it a p… lack of respect or is it just repression?
because there are people who work and are loved and acclaimed by an entire country?”, wrote Eliezer).
Actress Alice Wegmann used a certain sweetness to position herself in favor of Paraíba. “Just because someone doesn’t like a person’s art doesn’t make them not an artist. Juliette is an artist, yes. She may have just discovered herself, but she is.”
Sought by F5 to comment on the case, Samantha Schmütz said that she could not hear the reporter’s voice on the other end of the line (“Sorry, I’m in France”), and did not answer the calls again.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.