Robotic surgical repair of abdominal wall hernias


The development of surgical treatment of hernias, however, is rapid in recent years. The robotic surgical technique, which has been at the forefront for the last decade, has contributed greatly to the strengthening of the safety of the surgical procedure as well as to the rapid postoperative rehabilitation and the evolution of the surgical possibilities.

“At the first level it is very important to know that a hernia occurs in the human body, when an internal part of it (organ or fat), due to increased pressure on weakened muscles of the abdominal wall, emerges as a” bulge “from a gap that is created” .

The causes of the formation of hernias of the abdominal wall include mainly:
• Abrupt or chronically repeated heavy weight lifting
• Heavy manual labor
• Intense exercise
• Intense chronic cough
• Constipation,
• Pregnancy
• Obesity

At any point in the healing of an old surgical wound, it is possible to develop a type of hernia called a postoperative hernia.

What are the types of abdominal wall hernias?
Depending on the location, the following types of abdominal wall hernia can be distinguished:
• Inguinal hernia: Appears in the groin, just above the genitals.
• Umbilical hernia: Appears on or around the navel.
• Hernia: Appears in the groin area, just below the inguinal ligament.
• Epigastric hernia: It appears along the vertical line that connects the sternum to the navel.
• Postoperative hernia: Appears in the area of ​​the incision or around it, after surgery on the abdomen.

Why should hernia be treated?
The final treatment of a hernia of the abdominal wall should not be delayed for a long time from the moment of its diagnosis, due to the possibility of tightening.
Tightening is called the most dangerous complication of all forms of hernia of the abdominal wall, during which permanent entrapment of the viscera occurs outside the abdominal wall. The muscles of the wall put pressure on the viscera, initially interrupting its venous outflow, resulting in edema and worsening of the obstruction. This is followed by the interruption of the arterial supply of the viscera, which with mathematical precision leads very quickly to ischemia and necrosis.

THE tightening A hernia is an extremely dangerous complication, which requires immediate surgical treatment. Below are some of the symptoms of tightness, which should alarm the patient and lead him to seek emergency medical help.
• Acute constant pain
• Nausea & vomiting
• Inflammation & tenderness of the area around the hernia
• Redness & local heat
• Decimal febrile movement or fever
• Generalized abdominal pain
• Inability to expel gas or feces
• Increased heart rate

Robotic surgical repair of hernias of the abdominal wall
Robotic technology has been integrated into the field of surgery for about two decades. This is a minimally invasive technique, which allows you to treat any size of abdominal wall hernia, maximizing the benefits and reducing the patient’s discomfort.
During a robotic hernia repair surgery, the surgeon is in front of a robotic console, from where he handles the surgical instruments through an advanced navigation system. The tools are carried on the hinged arms of the system, which executes the doctor’s instructions with absolute precision.

Advantages of robotic abdominal wall hernia repair surgery
Perhaps one of the most important advantages of robotic surgery in general is the ability to visualize the surgical field in detail. More than any other method, the general surgeon can have a clear and detailed picture of the patient’s internal structures and the lesion, due to the possibility of magnification and 3D imaging.

The other advantages of the method include the following:
• Ability to perform complex restorations within the abdominal wall, which is almost impossible to perform with another method
• Minimal – almost negligible – blood loss
• Minimization of trauma and postoperative pain
• Improved aesthetic result
• Minimize the possibility of complications
• Better flexibility and freedom of movement of the surgeon.


Mr. Charalambos Spyropoulos, Surgeon,

Co-director of the Center of Excellence in Hernia Surgery of the Metropolitan General


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