Five ways to boost your immune system


There is no pill or supplement that can do that

We would all like to avoid diseases that may afflict us by shielding our body’s defenses.

So what is the way? By adopting healthy habits in our daily life, we can significantly strengthen its function and reduce the chances of occurrence, not only of diseases such as the flu or cold, but also of more serious diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

The contribution of the gut

The immune system is inextricably linked to gut bacteria. So, given that the majority of the body’s microbiome resides in the gut, so does 70% of the immune system. Therefore, when the bowel function is good, the body’s immunity and resistance to external invaders are automatically strengthened.

Correspondingly, when the gut is dysregulated, the immune system is also weakened. By keeping the digestive system functioning properly, we effectively control a key factor that affects the health of our immune system.

You can improve your gut bacteria in simple ways such as taking probiotics, managing stress, which is a key factor in weakening the immune system, and proper nutrition.

The key to nutrition

Surely you know that diet affects our weight and the energy we have during the day. But did you know that it affects your immune system to such an extent? This is because the microbiome, i.e. the bacteria and fungi that live in our gut, is directly affected by our diet and lifestyle.

Therefore, when we maintain a balanced diet, consuming the right foods, our body’s immunity is strengthened. Accordingly, a diet consisting of animal proteins, processed foods, saturated fat and sugar favors the development of inflammation and chronic disorders.

Eat healthy fats like olive oil and avocado, fish and protein at every meal. Add natural spices to food, which in addition to taste enhance the diversity of intestinal microbes, which are useful for our immune system. In addition, be sure to drink alcohol in moderation.

An excessive amount can inhibit the function of white blood cells, resulting in a decrease in the body’s resistance to infections.

Sleep as an ally

Sleep is vital for our organism and body, being in a way a means of defense and healing. Its lack reduces the body’s defenses and, apart from the intense feeling of fatigue it creates, makes us more vulnerable to diseases, such as colds, flu and other infections.

Consequently, stable and quality sleep works beneficially, enhancing the efficiency of our immune system.

Try to sleep well, getting at least seven hours daily. If you are experiencing sleep disorders, try relaxation techniques that can help you such as yoga or meditation, and if you continue to have problems do not hesitate to consult a specialist.

The role of exercise

Sedentary life not only makes you sluggish but also your immune system. On the other hand, exercise can actually contribute to strengthening the immune system.

Studies show that those who exercise have better white blood cell function, which helps fight infection, compared to those who don’t. During exercise, endorphins are released, which have a positive impact on the brain. They relieve pain, create a feeling of relaxation and well-being and improve sleep resulting in better immunity.

Make exercise a part of your life. Start a gym, a hobby that will keep you interested, or take up a sport. Of course, you don’t need to exercise intensely or complicatedly. Even brisk walking can help.

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