Do you do these six things that are often overlooked before the guests arrive? (Credit: Getty)

Make sure your house is clean and tidy before the guests arrive.

But did you know that there are actually six parts of the house to focus on that are often overlooked?

Whether you’re entertaining during the day, hosting a midnight snack, or putting your guests to sleep, there are a few things you’ll want to check out.

After all, it’s the summer season and it usually means more guests in and out of your home.

During the summer holidays, the family stays and prepares a delicious asado with friends, family and relatives.

Fortunately for us, six experts have identified the best way to make sure our home is ready for our guests, and they think you are.

Starting with making sure the windows are clean, they may sound like this until guests have access to the storage solution, but you may have overlooked it before.

Make the entrance beautiful

A modern floating bookshelf with books.

Giving guests storage access is a great way to impress (credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Be sure to set the tone from the moment you open the front door. This is definitely a way to make a good impression.

Sam Hood, Co-Founder and Creative Director of AMARA’s Luxury Appliances, shared the best tips for influencing.

“Create a key, a wallet and even a mailbox. You can sit down as soon as you get home,” he says.

“This gives you easy access to these important items when you’re in a hurry.”

She adds that if space allows, investing in chairs for the front door can encourage guests to remove their shoes when they arrive. This is perfect for your floor.

“If you have a place to store your shoes, there’s nothing worse than jumping on them when you open the door,” he said.

“Use the empty space on the wall with a hook or coat rack to easily remove the outer layer.

“Don’t lose the temptation and leave things on the stairs or hallways. The rest of the family will go through them.”

ignite metal

Human hand bathroom faucet

Make these faucets beautiful (credit: Getty Images)

Keeping your faucet sparkling and sparkling is another way to prepare your home for your guests, though it’s often overlooked by many of us.

metal4U metal expert Paul McFadden has revealed his trick for making sure your metal is top-notch and shiny.

First of all, it urges us to be very careful not to use abrasives that can damage the metal plating when cleaning stainless steel.

Pablo said: “Because it is non-toxic, it is recommended to use baking soda to make a paste mixed with water to remove dirt and grease.

“After the treatment, rinse the area well and dry it with a microfiber cloth to avoid drops of water.

“You can also use baking soda to clean aluminum. If your pot or pan looks rough or hard to clean, use the same paste to give it a shiny, fresh look.

Clean the floor

When it comes to cleaning and tidying our house, tennis is probably one of the things you immediately think of.

About 57% of us swim before our guests arrive and 44% are affected by a storm.

“The floor is the true foundation of every room,” said Carolina Hanson, director of design for Luxury Flooring.

He said: “They are, whether it’s a tiled kitchen or a solid floor in the living room. [floors] It is really a center stage in your home – makes them more prominent if they are dirty and messy.

Carolina recommends starting with the board and removing things like dust and mud from the floor.

“To minimize clutter on the floor, we recommend putting shoe racks and storage areas in every room where you spend a good time,” she continues.

“Starting from floor scraps like abandoned dog toys, shoes, bags and jackets will help open up your space and ultimately make your guests feel more welcoming…

Clean your windows without fingerprints for vision

Someone is cleaning the window.

Cleaning the windows will give guests a good view (Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

What do you see when you look out the window?

Beautiful view through the glass?

Or do you see fingerprints, forehead prints, or general traces?

Adam Pawson, Digital Director of Safestyle UK, shared how to make sure windows are scratched and dull.

“To get rid of streaks and grime on windows, use microfiber or paper towels to remove dust before you start,” she explains.

Next, it is recommended to use a spray containing 1 part distilled (white) vinegar to 10 parts warm water. It can be applied directly on the cloth until it rubs evenly on the glass.

“For a little extra shine, apply it to the baking cloth before adding the solution, which makes the cleanup process easier.

“If the stubborn streaks don’t go away, rinse the area with clean water to remove any remaining solution.”

Keep clean with a towel

Someone puts the clothes in the car

Make sure towels are clean for guests and expel bacteria (credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It is very important to make sure you lay out a new towel, especially in the age of coronavirus.

The towels may not be dirty, but do you want your guests to dry their hands in the same place they dried their faces earlier in the day?

Helena Mead, a British Christie, explains that towels collect bacteria from the human body and when hydrated can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

“Using damp, unwashed, used towels can spread bacteria,” he says.

Here are his top tips for fresh, fluffy towels:

  • “Wash the towel 2 days after use.” If you wash the towel regularly, the bacteria attached to the towel will be removed.
  • “Wash the towel at 60 degrees to get rid of all the microbes.”
  • “Dry the towel thoroughly after each use.”
  • “Turn the towel over and let the wet towel dry.”

Mattresses need to be cleaned for guests.

bed mattress with sheets

If you have overnight guests, make sure your bed is clean (credit: Getty Images)

Mattress specialist Time4Sleep doesn’t know that 40% of Britons need to clean their mattresses regularly.


Therefore, if you are using these statistics, you must update them before visiting your guests.

Jonathan Warren, director and mattress specialist at Time4Sleep, says cleaning a mattress is as easy as gathering four common household items: a vacuum cleaner, baking soda, a mattress spray and a damp cloth.

He explains: “For dirt, it’s best to apply a mattress spray or carpet cleaner and spray lightly on the damaged area.

“Apply the stain from the outside in (so the stain doesn’t accidentally grow) and let the spray work like magic until it’s removed with a damp cloth.”

She went on to add that it’s more important than ever to absorb constant moisture and lingering odors as summer is in full swing.

“Sprinkle trusty baking soda on the mattress and leave it on for 24 hours, or as long as possible,” Jonathan continues.

“Move the vacuum across the mattress to remove dust and dirt from the fabric fibers.”

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