The STAR method helps keep your answers concise and to the point (Image: Getty/)

Frankly, formal job interviews suck.

I know I’m not the only one who cringes when a prospective employer asks me to describe a time when I overcame failure or overstepped my role.

These questions are called competency-based questions, as opposed to strength-based questions like “What motivates you?” or “What are your weaknesses?” -And fortunately, there is a clear way to answer them without ridiculing your words.

Behold: the STAR method.

What is the Star Method?

“The STAR Technique is a framework for organizing your thoughts and gathering the evidence you need to show prospective employers why you’re worth hiring,” said career coach Ayesha Murray. “It also helps keep things concise when you have little to do.” Time to understand your point. via.”

the star is situation , homework , action , result :

First, let me explain my situation. Set the stage, says Ayesha.

Next, describe your task, challenge, or goal.

“For actions, describe what you did to complete the task.

And finally, what was the result or outcome? Make sure it’s positive.

An example of the STAR technique

Here are some examples of techniques that use initiatives.

situation : Sales decreased in the first quarter.

to work : My team was given a goal of increasing sales by 10%.

action : Developed and conducted internal sales training for the team.

result : Sales increased by 25% and training courses were implemented for all teams and departments.

Laura Kingston, Director of Career Guidance at Leap

When should the STAR method be used?

Laura Kingston, Director of Leap Career Coaching, said:

“Anyone can say they have the ability, but recruiters want to know you’ve done it.”

As Ayesha points out, the STAR technique is great for answering competency-based questions.[based] About past successes and achievements.

You don’t have to use this technique when asking strengths-based questions. Sometimes it is important to deviate from the script. After all, future employers need to know your personality.

“It’s important to establish a relationship with the interviewer and show your true self to stand out,” says Ayesha. Frames like STAR are great for structure, but allow your personality to shine through.

Tips for using the STAR technique

  • Put yourself in the shoes of a human resources manager. What do you want to hear? How can I prove that I am the perfect person for the role?
  • Read the job description and highlight the key skills and competencies required. Write an example of a STAR for each. Then you will feel very confident.
  • Accept the fact that most skills are transferable. don’t limit yourself
  • Don’t post examples, follow what comes to mind and trust that you have enough examples. Remember: an example usually has 3 or 4 abilities. Some fall apart when they are saved. The best example of a related question.
  • Don’t skip the results. Don’t skip the results. This may be the most impactful part as it shows how you made a difference in your organization.
  • Go one step further and think about it. What will be the result? For example, after training began, worldwide sales increased by X, resulting in an ROI of Y, which resulted in Z.
  • Don’t let it be obvious that you are using a STAR expression. Try to give natural, authoritative responses (don’t say it’s a situation or a task).
  • Remember, the STAR approach is especially well-suited for traditional competency-based interviews. Many organizations use strength-based interviews, so be prepared for random questions like: What kind of animal would you like to be?
  • Instead of selling yourself, focus on how you can help the company, add value, and solve problems!

Laura Kingston

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