Her friend’s exhortation to sit in the last carriage seems to have saved the AUTH student and passenger of the train in Tempi, Agni Titeli, as reported by the website kozanimedia.

Speaking on the top channel, a young student said that she had left for the three days and took the train from Athens to go to Thessaloniki, where she studies. Initially, as he clarified, he was to board the second carriage but by luck he entered the seventh. “My friend had a premonition, he told me go to the last one“, he said characteristically.

“I usually sit front-to-front and for the first time I sat at the end, I feel extremely lucky, just like the children who were saved, it’s luck, I can’t describe it any other way,” said Agni Titeli.

The 21-year-old described what she remembers from the night of the collision. “There was a delay of about half an hour in Paleofarsala, I didn’t understand much because I was also wearing headphones. Then it started normally and not an hour passed and our carriage starts shaking, people were falling down, things, squeals, you can’t see outside what’s happening because the lights are on, I thought there was a cliff and we were falling,” said Agni .

“I can’t imagine what the children in the first carriage went through. Finally the train stopped, panic, smoke, even in the seventh carriage there was smoke, it smelled burnt and they were all shouting at us to get out. My wagon was in the tunnel. When I got out I was in a tunnel, the door opened and I got out, panicked, they scared us because they were telling us about the risk of an explosion. I get out, black out, I had no idea what had happened, we just thought the train had derailed. I can’t describe the screams of the people, they were shouting that they are on fire, I went there and saw a lot of fire, they were telling us to move away and I left from the opposite side, through the tunnel”, added Agni, pointing out: “The police came straight away , very quickly, then the Fire Department and the ambulances. We left on buses to Thessaloniki at 2. At the time of the crash I thought I might die and I called my dad, I had panic attacks. I have no words to say about the guys who helped us, some were very cool, they even helped me who just fell.”

The young student said that since October she started traveling by train and she thought she had found a restful and safe means but she doesn’t know if she will be able to get on a train again.