In direct sealing and imposition of the maximum prescribed administrative fine, amounting to 60,000 eurosthe Region of Attica proceeded to the “Center of Special Treatments” which operates without license in Kallithea.

It is the center in which 11 year old boy was acrobating on the windowsill – three stories off the ground – last Tuesday at noon.

The region of Attica gave immediate order to the competent deputy regional governor N. Tomea H. Theodoropoulos, in order to investigate the case in depth. Competent Social Workers of the Directorate of Public Health and Social Care P.E. went to the “Center”. South Sector.

From the conclusion of the audits a series of irregularities arose, the most important being the misleading of the authorities and the citizens, as the structure artificially uses the title “Center for Special Treatments”while – in fact – it operates as a Creative Employment Center for the disabled, with the main objective of avoiding the licensing process and controls.

Based on the official note and the Autopsy Report of the Social Counselors of the Service, the deputy governor N. Tomea proceeded on the same day as the Decision is issuedaccording to which the structure is sealed and the maximum prescribed by the relevant legislative framework is imposed against it administrative fine of 60,000 euros.

It should be noted that the Services of the Region, according to the existing Legislation, do not have the possibility to control and license “Special Treatment Centers”.

The autopsy revealed that the “Center for Special Treatments” provides organized social services, without the required legal license to establish and operate, that it accommodates 48 PWDs with autism and mental retardation between the ages of four and twenty, and that – in fact – it provides KDAP services – MEA, all the above, in violation of the provisions of article 1 of Law 2345/95 as amended and in force.