At Skala Laconia the second Pakistani who was preparing her was arrested terrorist attack on the Jewish restaurant in Athens.

The two arrested have been living illegally in Greece for the past five years, doing agricultural work in Zakynthos and Laconia.


Patrisnews publishes photos of the house where one of the two arrested lived, in Skala Laconia, and where he was arrested by the authorities.


A month ago a search was made at the house in Laganas Zakynthos where the first of the arrested lived

In Zakynthos, and indeed in Laganaswas the first of the terrorists arrested with her help Mossad.

The local community is watching the developments frozen, as it cannot be imagined that a potential terrorist was living and working among them.

In the house where one of the two defendants lived, about a month ago, a sweep operation was carried out by the Police under the pretext of drugs and illegal stay in Greece.

According to information, the two people of Pakistani origin who were arrested, entered the country illegally from Orestiada four or five years ago.

The two arrested, according to information, are 27 and 29 years old and had been under the microscope of the authorities for at least three months.

They were arrested about a month ago for illegal entry and stay in the country and were detained for administrative deportation.

During their stay in Greece they lived and worked doing mainly agricultural work in Zakynthos and Sparta.

In the last year they had come to Athens and were staying in a rented room in the Omonia area.

The two arrested Pakistanis come from the province of Punjab, where the 30-year-old leader who lives permanently in Tehran is also from.