Up to 10 minutes lower than last year the price of heating oil is expected to be formed at the beginning of the winter season, based on the international price data so far.

In particular, according to sources of oil trading companies, the price is expected to fluctuate tomorrow, the first day of availability of heating oil, between 1.36 – 1.38 euros per liter. In addition, a major company in the space is expected to announce a discount of 5%, which means that the final price falls close to 1.31 euros from 1.41 euros that was last year’s starting price.

In addition, the possibility of repayment in 12 interest-free installments is provided for paying the oil by credit card.

Thus, the prices for this year without subsidies are at lower levels than last year when a subsidy of 20 cents per liter plus VAT was given from the budget and an additional 7.5 cents from the refineries.

These prices, it is clarified, apply to the large urban centers while in the region and the islands (as is always the case) they are charged with the cost of transportation. Final figures will be set tomorrow based on international prices and Friday’s Euro/Dollar exchange rate.

However, consumer interest is currently limited as weather conditions remain favorable while there are many who have full tanks as they bought oil in the spring, at the end of the previous winter season when prices had fallen to even lower levels in order to store it for the coming winter.

According to market sources, the reaction of the international market to the developments in the Middle East is so far limited as the price of crude oil remains at lower levels compared to the period before the conflict.

More important are the effects on the price of natural gas, which returned to levels close to 50 euros per megawatt hour, despite the fact that underground storage in Europe is full ahead of winter.

The reason is that the supply is limited so that events such as the shutdown of the Finland-Estonia pipeline, or the possible curtailment of exports from Israel and Egypt due to the war directly affect prices.