“We went through the fire and came out unscathed”, emphasized the head of the Hellenic Solution, Kyriakos Velopoulosreferring to the election results.

The entire statement of Mr. Velopoulos is as follows:

“The system today and until yesterday had given its change so that the Greek Solution would be outside the Parliament. We went from 10 MPs to 16. We thank the Greek men and women who honored the Greek Solution, who trusted the Greek Solution. We’ve been through a fire, we’ve been through a hurricane. We stood up and kept fighting. We will continue to honor the vote of the Greek people. We didn’t betray anyone. We are the only Greek patriotic party. We have proven it and we will continue to prove it every day.

We thank everyone once again from the depths of our souls. And the proof of who lost is this here, the polling companies, the first one was giving us a week before the election 2.7%, the second 2.7%, the third 2.8%, the fourth 2.6 %, the fifth 2.7%. What does this prove? That we walked through the fire and came out unscathed. Because that’s how the Greeks are. Thanks again”.