“In the strategically important Mediterranean region, the United States is gradually moving away from Turkey with Greece defeated,” Die Welt wrote on Sunday under the headline “At a time when Ankara is isolated, Athens is concluding alliances.” The German newspaper observes: “The Erdogan-Putin approach to the detriment of American interests has affected US-Turkish relations in the long run. In foreign policy, Ankara is largely isolated, while Athens manages to form alliances.
Some observers consider Greece the best partner and ask Washington to turn its back on Turkey for good. A report by the Jewish National Security Institute (JINSA) cites Souda as a viable alternative to the US base in Inserlik if another foreign policy crisis calls into question the US military presence in Turkey.
Edi Zemenidis, executive director of the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), believes that it is theoretically possible to replace Turkey as a partner in security policy. He added, however, that as a “rule of law and credible partner”, Ankara would be more valuable to the United States. According to Edi Zemenidis, the close partnership with Greece is interpreted as a message to Turkey that “the train leaves shortly without you”. However, it remains open if the message is heard in Ankara. “
Edogan will soon be a thing of the past
“The chances of the Republican CHP winning the Turkish parliamentary elections have never been higher,” writes Der Spiegel, which hosts an interview with opposition leader Kemal Kilincaroglu. Asked about the possibility of early elections, the CHP leader said: “The economy is in a dire situation and I do not think Erdogan will last until 2023. We expect early elections in November 2022.” Will there be free and fair elections? the magazine asks him? “We will send an observer to every polling station to guarantee the integrity of the election process,” said Kilitsaroglou. And what will happen to Erdogan if he loses, the magazine asks, adding that some would like to see him in prison: “It’s not the way we think. When you rule wanting revenge you are no better than Erdogan. “The rules of the rule of law apply even after the elections,” said the official opposition leader, who, when asked if Erdogan would soon go down in history with a simple and brief “yes”.
German wave
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