In women almost half of the ministries in the Netherlands


The fourth government under Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, to be sworn in on January 10th, will include 29 ministries, 14 of which will be headed by women.

The names and portfolios that each person will take over were announced yesterday by the four parties that make up Rutte’s coalition government.

Ankara-born Dylan Yesilgoz-Zegerius is set to take over the ministry of Justice and Security.

The 43-year-old politician, who settled in the Netherlands as a child, was nominated by the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), to which Rutte belongs.

Incumbent Interior Minister Katja Olongren will be the new Minister of Defense.

Christian Democrat politician Vopke Hukstra will be the new foreign minister.

The ministry of finance held by Huxtra will be taken over by former Foreign Minister Zigrid Kaag from the center-left D66 party.

The KGB resigned from its previous post following the chaotic withdrawal of Dutch troops from Afghanistan in September.

After months of negotiations to form a coalition government – the longest in Dutch history – the four ruling parties that made up the previous government and will form the next one – reached an agreement in December.

The parties have agreed to invest billions in the fight against climate change and to carry out social policy and housing reforms.

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