Loan from Pronampe begins to be contracted this Monday (25)


The Ministry of Economy releases, as of this Monday (25), the new phase of contracting credit through Pronampe (National Support Program for Microenterprises and Small Businesses). The expectation is that R$ 50 billion can be lent to small businesses.

Financing can be made by participating financial institutions until December 31, 2024. The Ministry of Economy has not yet disclosed which financial institutions are qualified to grant the loan agreement in this new phase.

To apply for credit, each company must authorize the sharing of billing data from the Federal Revenue Service with the bank where Pronampe will be contracted.

Data authorization must be done through the e-CAC portal (Virtual Service Center), and it is necessary to have a digital certificate or a silver or gold digital identity from the platform.

Pronampe was created in 2020 to support micro and small businesses affected by the economic crisis during the pandemic.

A novelty of this new phase is that the program will also allow the contracting of credit for those who are MEI (Individual Microentrepreneurs). The group started to be included with the approval of a law, enacted in May of this year, which made the program permanent.

The approval of the law also changed the PEC (Credit Stimulus Program), which started to release financing for medium-sized companies with annual gross revenue of up to R$300 million.

The priority, however, continues to be for small and medium-sized companies —with annual revenues of up to R$4.8 million—, which will have access to 70% of the total resources.

Despite using Union resources, guaranteed through the FGO (Fund for Guarantee of Operations), negotiations for loans must be made directly with financial institutions.

New phase has flexibility in rules

Pronampe 2022 relaxed some rules for contracting credit. Now companies awarded loans can fire employees – which was vetoed in previous phases of the program.

Now, it also waives the requirement of tax regularity certificates, FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço) and Rais (Annual List of Social Information), among others.

Who can apply for the loan?

  • MEIs (Individual Microentrepreneurs);
  • Micro-enterprises with revenues of up to R$ 360 thousand per year;
  • Small companies with annual revenues of R$ 360 thousand to R$ 4.8 million;
  • Medium-sized companies with revenues of up to R$ 300 million.

Contracting and payment conditions

The maximum annual interest rate will be equal to the Selic rate (currently at 13.25% per year), plus 6%. This means interest of 19.25% per year. The contract has a zero rate of IOF (Tax on Financial Operations), without charging credit or insurance fees.

In its first version, the annual interest rate for the loan was 1.25% plus Selic (which was 2.25% per year). The payment term was 36 months and the grace period was 8 months.

See current conditions:

  • Total term for payment will be 48 months, including 11 months grace period to start payment and 37 months for loan repayment.
  • The company can borrow up to 30% of its annual gross income. This calculation will be based on the 12 months prior to contracting the loan.
  • For companies with less than one year of operation, the loan limit will be up to 50% of the share capital or up to 30% of 12 times the average of their monthly gross revenue calculated since the beginning of activities, depending on whichever is longer. advantageous.

IRS requires data sharing

According to the Federal Revenue Service, to have the request approved, companies need to authorize the sharing of data with financial institutions.

Authorization must be carried out through the e-CAC (Virtual Service Center) portal, available on the Federal Revenue website. On the platform, you must choose the option “Authorize Data Sharing”, in the “Others” services tab, through authentication with a digital certificate or with a silver or pure digital identity, from the platform.

How to approve data sharing

  1. Access the Federal Revenue e-CAC portal;
  2. With the CPF of the company representative, access your account;
  3. Click the “Pronampe” button and then “Authorize Data Sharing”;
  4. On the page you will be directed to, select the option to share “Company Billing Information” and click next;
  5. Select the authorization term, that is, the time for which the information will be available;
  6. Fill in the name or CNPJ of the company for which you want to grant authorization. Only the person associated with the company can register data authorization.
  7. Select the financial institution of interest.

The company representative will receive a code that will be sent by SMS or the application. You will need to enter it in the e-CAC portal for the share approval to be completed.

Banks will have access to the following data:

  • Framing as a micro-enterprise or small business;
  • Start date of activities;
  • Value of share capital;
  • Date of exclusion from Simples Nacional or non-compliance with Simei ​(Monthly Fixed Amounts Collection System for Taxes covered by Simples Nacional), if applicable;
  • Reported gross revenue.

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