Panel SA: If Meirelles is in the Economy, Lula raises the chance of winning in the 1st round, says banker


The gesture of rapprochement between Henrique Meirelles and Lula this Monday (19) should have great weight in the private sector, in the opinion of Ricardo Lacerda, founding partner of BR Partners Banco de Investimento.

“After the alliance with Geraldo Alckmin, Henrique Meirelles’ support for Lula is the most important factor in winning over the business community and part of the middle class that rejects PT”, he says.

For the banker, Meirelles brings together characteristics that please the market because he is not a PT member but transits the spectrum of the alliance formed by Lula.

“A possible confirmation of Meirelles as Minister of Economy would increase Lula’s chances of victory in the first round”, affirms Lacerda.

Former president of the Central Bank and former finance minister in the government of Michel Temer (MDB), Meirelles participated, this Monday, in a campaign event by Lula and Fernando Haddad (PT) in São Paulo.

In an interview with SheetMeirelles affirmed that Lula will be the best option if he repeats the economic guidelines of previous terms and defended that the country needs to respect the spending ceiling combined with administrative and tax reforms, topics that please the business community.

Joana Cunha with Paulo Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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