Panel SA: Laws enacted at the end of the year increase ICMS on beverages to jewelry


To compensate for the loss of collection with the reduction of ICMS on fuel, 13 states sanctioned at the end of last year laws that allow the increase in standard rates (called modal in tax jargon), according to a survey by Patri, an entity of public and governmental policies .

The governors followed the advice of Comsefaz (National Committee of Finance Secretaries), which calculated losses of around R$ 33 billion with the ICMS reduction promoted by Bolsonaro before the elections.

The study pointed out that, to recompose the money, the increase should be up to 2 percentage points, reaching rates of a maximum of 22%.

States such as Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Pará, Piauí and Tocantins took advantage of the increase in modal rates to boost the collection of taxes on other products. Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, water, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics and hygiene items are some of the items that will become more expensive as of March.

Still according to Patri, deputies from Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro are still discussing the tax increase.

Romeu Zema (Novo) signaled that he has no interest in increasing the tax rate and the project should not advance in the ALMG (Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais). In Rio, the Alerj deputies pointed out the lack of initiative in the text and should resume discussions when the parliamentary recess returns.

Joana Cunha with Paul Ricardo Martins and Diego Felix

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