Panel SA: Ibmec expands MBA in São Paulo


The expansion process that Ibmec has been trying to implement in São Paulo, since it returned to the São Paulo capital in 2017, will take new steps this year. The institution launches two new MBA courses, one on capital markets and the other on marketing.

The two new modalities are added to the MBAs in business and technology. Instead of three meetings a week, there will only be two, longer, keeping the workload of 450 hours.

Also this year, another postgraduate course in business management begins. The number of courses rose from three to 17 since the return of operation in 2017.

Founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1970, as the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets, Ibmec was known as a pioneer in the MBA in finance in Brazil, but was prohibited from coming to São Paulo after an agreement signed nearly 20 years ago, when Paulo Guedes sold its stake to Cláudio Haddad, separating the partnership.

with Andressa Motter e Ana Paula Branco


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