Circular by which instructions are provided for the grant of disability pension from common diseasesigned by the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Panos Tsakloglou.

Now, all the insured with a certified disability of more than 50% can receive disability pension with uniform criteriaregardless of the time of their first inclusion in the insurance and the institution included in the e-EFKA, in which they are insured.

Especially, for the insured persons of the OGA, inclusion in the uniform conditions takes place from 1/1/2024with a minimum pensionable disability rate of 59% and, from 1/1/2025 onwards, they will be fully included in the new legislative framework, with a minimum pensionable disability rate of 50%.

The conditions for granting a pension, due to disability, from a common disease are the following:

1. Disability rate of at least 50%, which is certified by KEPA.

2. Termination of employment insurance in e-EFKA.

3. Insurance period:

a) at least 15 years of insurance or

b) at least 5 years of insurance, of which at least 2 years within the 5 years, before the date or year of onset of the disability,

c) from 1 to 5 years of insurance for young insured up to 31 years of age.

The disability pension is paid to the insured from the day the retirement application is submitted to e-EFKA.

As stated in a relevant announcement, applicants are given the opportunity to submit the retirement application at the same time as submitting the application for disability certification.

However, it is possible for the pension application to be submitted up to four months after the issuance of the disability certification, without losing the pension rights for this period.

In these cases, e-EFKA will take into account as the day of submission of the retirement application the day of submission of the application for certification by KEPA, which, from 16/09/2022, is done exclusively through the National Disability Portal.

In any case, it is emphasized that citizens must renew their disability certification in a timely manner.

The extension application to KEPA is submitted within the last four months, before its expiry and is a necessary condition for granting the six-month pension payment extension.

In the circular, special emphasis is placed on the effort to digitize and simplify the entire disability certification process, thus facilitating the daily life of hundreds of thousands of citizens.