Informational e-mails to 136,673 professionals and businesses who have not yet progressed to interfacing a cash register with a POS, sent Independent Public Revenue Authority.

“We are entering the final stretch for the completion of a long-awaited project, which will rewrite the rules of healthy entrepreneurship and ensure the smooth operation of the market” emphasized the AADE commander, George Pitsilis.

By e-mail, interested parties are invited until April 1, 2024 to contact the company from which they purchased their cash register and, as the case may be, to:

  • make an appointment on a date within April, to upgrade their cash register and connect it to the POS they have,
  • state that the cash register is interfaced with a commercial/accounting management program (ERP). In this case, the interconnection obligation is transferred to 31.5.2024 or to 30.6.2024 (with a declaration of appointment to be made by 31.5.2024).

If the business from which they purchased their cash register is not available for an appointment within April, interested parties can:

  • contact another technical support company, which will have availability,
  • declare in the POS register by 29 March 2024 their intention to replace their cash register with a certified All-in-One solution, which they should procure and put into operation by 30 April 2024.

It is recalled that the interconnection concerns all the cash registers available to the business / professional, while in case of non-completion within the deadline, the debtors they will face heavy fines.