It fell to 2.3% inflation in June, from 2.4% that was in May. In particular, according to the announcement of ELSTAT, from the comparison of the General CPI of the month of June 2024 with the corresponding Index of June 2023, an increase of 2.3% resulted against an increase of 1.8% that occurred during the corresponding comparison of the year 2023 with 2022 The General CPI during the month of June 2024, compared to May 2024, showed an increase of 0.5%, against an increase of 0.6% that occurred during the corresponding comparison of the previous year.

It follows from the evidence strong inflationary pressures in the hotel, cafe and restaurant sectors with inflation standing at 5.3%, but also in the clothing – footwear sector where it stood at 4.6%.

In more detail, the increase of the General CPI by 0.5% in the month of June 2024, compared to the corresponding May Index 2024, it came mainly from the changes in the following groups of goods and services:

1. From the increases of the indicators by:

  • 1.1% in the group Food and non-alcoholic beverages, mainly due to price increases in: pizzas and pies, cheeses, fresh fruits, frozen vegetables, chocolates-chocolate products. Part of this increase was offset by the decrease in prices mainly in: breakfast cereals, cold meats, yogurt, fresh vegetables, potatoes.
  • 0.4% in the group Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, due mainly to an increase in prices of alcoholic beverages (not served).
  • 1.6% in the Clothing and Footwear group, due to price increases in clothing and footwear.
  • 0.1% in the Housing group, mainly due to price increases in: house rents, natural gas. Part of this increase was offset by the reduction in electricity prices.
  • 0.5% in the Transportation group, mainly due to an increase in prices for air passenger tickets. Part of this increase was offset by the decrease in prices mainly in: used cars, fuel and lubricants.
  • 0.7% in the Hotels-Cafes-Restaurants group, mainly due to an increase in prices in restaurants-patisseries-cafes-canteens, hotels-motels-inns.

2. From the reductions of the indicators against:

  • 0.4% in the group Durable goods-Household goods and services, mainly due to a decrease in prices of goods of immediate household consumption.

Comparison of June 2024 with June 2023

The increase of the General CPI by 2.3% in the month of June 2024, compared to the corresponding June 2023 Indexcame mainly from changes in the following groups of goods and services:

1. From the increases of the indicators against:

  • 2.1% in the group Food and non-alcoholic beverages, mainly due to price increases in: meat (general), fresh fish, olive oil, frozen vegetables, sugar-chocolate-sweets-ice cream, coffee-cocoa-tea, mineral water-soft drinks fruits. Part of this increase was offset by the decrease in prices mainly in: bread and cereals, dairy and eggs, other edible oils, fresh fruit, potatoes, other food.
  • 1.8% in the group Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, due mainly to an increase in prices of alcoholic beverages (not served).
  • 4.6% in the Clothing and Footwear group, due to price increases in clothing and footwear.
  • 2.2% in the Health group, mainly due to price increases in: pharmaceutical products, medical-dental and paramedical services, hospital care.
  • 3.2% in the Transportation group, due mainly to price increases in: new cars, car parts and accessories, fuel and lubricants, maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment, air passenger tickets. Part of this increase was offset by the decrease in prices mainly in used cars.
  • 1.8% in the Leisure-Cultural activities group, due to price increases mainly in: information processing equipment, small leisure items-flowers-pets, entertainment and cultural services, newspapers-books and stationery, package holidays. Part of this increase was offset by a decrease in prices mainly in audio and video processing equipment.
  • 3.5% in the Education group, due mainly to price increases in: pre-school and primary education fees, secondary education fees, tertiary education fees.
  • 5.3% in the Hotels-Cafes-Restaurants group, mainly due to an increase in prices in restaurants-patisseries-cafes-canteens, hotels-motels-inns.
  • 2.2% in the Other goods and services group, due mainly to price increases in: hair salons and personal care stores, other personal items, health insurance premiums, vehicle insurance premiums. Part of this increase was offset by the decrease in prices mainly in other types of personal care.

2. From the reductions in indicators against:

  • 0.4% in the Housing group, mainly due to a decrease in prices in: municipal fees, electricity. Part of this decrease was offset by the increase in prices mainly in: house rents, house repair and maintenance, natural gas, heating oil.
  • 0.4% in the group Durable goods-Household goods and services, mainly due to a decrease in prices of goods of immediate household consumption. Part of this decrease was compensated by the increase in prices mainly in household services.
  • 0.7% in the Communications group, mainly due to a decrease in prices for telephone services.