Iran Ferreira, known as Luva de Pedreiro, celebrated this Saturday (30) his first international trip with his parents at the invitation of LaLiga de Futebol – first division of the Spanish championship. He shared on social media a video accompanied by his parents at an airport, but did not say the destination of the trip.
“Speak to my troops, thank God. I’m traveling to Europe, maple and mainha here, like that, thank God father. To Europe, this time painho and mainha go. Invitation from LaLiga, magnificent, sensational, thank God. It’s the troop, Europe left heavy. Thanks LaLiga,” Luva said in the video.
Netizens commented on the influencer’s post on Twitter. “That’s right, kid, head in place. Enjoy the phase and don’t forget to continue your studies”, advised a user of the social network. Another person remembered Glova de Pedreiro’s situation before this new phase in his career: “Imagine how crazy, one day you’re living a difficult life to buy the basics and the next you’re going to Europe with your son.”
Luva de Pedreiro fights in court with his former manager Allan Jesus, who he accuses of keeping a good part of his profit from the influencer’s work. On social media, Allan claims that he is an honest man and that he will prove his innocence.
“If it is proven that I stole R$1 that I pay. I have a name to protect, I have a family and I give it to divine and human justice so that everything can be resolved. I will prove the truth of my actions”, he said.
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.