Singer Conrado says he doubts racism suffered by children of Giovanna Ewbank


Singer Conrado, husband of ex-paquita Andrea Sorvetão, irritated netizens after comments on a post by columnist Leo Dias, on Instagram, questioning whether the children of actors Giovanna Ewbank and Bruno Gagliasso had suffered racism in Portugal on Saturday (30). ).

“Let’s see later what really happened!” wrote Conrado. Criticized by the comment, the singer cursed the netizens. “I shit for you all. Let’s see what really happened, period. If there’s racism, take legal action. And fuck you all, okay.”

This Sunday afternoon (31), Conrado published a video on his Instagram profile to justify that he is not racist. According to him, “ignorant leftist militants are terrible” and did not understand his comments on the social network.

“Of course, I’m against racism, of course I’m against racism, but a while ago, Mr. Bruno, along with Dona Giovanna, were giving a podcast saying that here in Brazil there was a kind of structural racism,” said Conrado.

The singer said that there is no structural racism in Brazil and that the denunciation of racism made by the couple of actors took place in Portugal. “Lacrador I always take a step back, I want to know what actually happened. [Giovanna] he does with his wife, he curses everything with his name, it’s all very well. If there was a crime of racism, let the woman pay for it and that’s the end of it.”

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