A former flight attendant who goes behind the scenes of aviation, a Holocaust survivor, a bricklayer and a deputy. They are just some of the nearly 200 guests interviewed by comedian Maurício Meirelles 38, on the show Achismos, on Mondays and Thursdays, on his YouTube channel and available on Spotify.
A comedian for 15 years, Meirelles started the program during the pandemic, when theaters were closed and wanted a solution not to stand still. He decided to take off paper the old dream of a talk show with “interesting people” in chat format.
“It’s the project of my life because I love this kind of informal chat with people I would never have imagined meeting”, explains the comedian, who today has more than 4 million subscribers to his YouTube channel and has seen this number increase after the release of Achismos – he was unable to inform the percentage.
The search for the characters that appear in the program takes place on social networks. The team watches several videos and screens mostly those who communicate well. “In the beginning, we used to get people who didn’t perform and some of them stopped because they were afraid to talk.”
According to the comedian, the program’s proposal is to ask curious questions that no one is able to ask, such as if the blind man’s house always has the lights on or if the priest masturbates. “Questions that are stupid and curious, but that no one has asked. It’s a format that today generates a lot of curiosity.”
Meirelles guarantees that to this day none of the guests was irritated by his questions and guesswork. “The objective is not to create controversy, but to show my ignorance”, says the presenter. He has already achieved more than 4 million views in interviews, such as the one carried out in 2020 with the delegate Carlos Alberto da Cunha, known as Da Cunha, who had his resignation approved in June this year, on suspicion of inventing the arrest of a boss of the PCC to gain followers on social networks.
Despite the success, the comedian innovated once again in July by creating a humor channel with a free subscription on OnlyFans (adult content platform) with the goal of becoming one of the five most viewed on the platform and to be able to talk about everything whatever you want without cancelling. “There are things we can’t talk about on social media because it’s blocked, so I decided to talk about OnlyFans.”
On the platform, the comedian created a list of users, which he calls a clubhouse, to talk about comedy, current affairs and masculinity. “Making it clear that it’s not machismo, it’s masculinity,” he says. “I want to talk about some things in the male universe that we are not able to talk about, like I think so and so is hot. If I talk about it on Instagram, I’m cancelled”, he adds.
At the same time, in April, Meirelles premiered the second season of the program Foi Mau (RedeTV!), almost entirely created by him and which has a senior stage assistant — quite different from what usually happens in auditorium shows. This month, he leaves for Portugal for another season of approximately 40 days of stand-up shows in Portuguese cities.
“Every year I’ve been going to Portugal since 2015, they consume more Brazilian culture than we do [a deles]”, he says. Asked if he makes fun of Portuguese at shows in Lusitanian lands, Meirelles replies: “But it’s obvious, I make fun of Portuguese and they laugh.”
I am currently a news writer for News Bulletin247 where I mostly cover sports news. I have always been interested in writing and it is something I am very passionate about. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family and friends.