“The Light Within Us”: And in Greece, Michelle Obama’s book – Watch video


The book “The Light Within Us”, released in Greece, was presented yesterday at the Athens City Hall

Her presentation Greek version of Michelle Obama’s book “The Light Within Us”was held yesterday in his funeral hall Athens City Hall.

As part of the event, Eliza Vozeberg, vice-president of the Commission for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the Greek Parliament, Vasiliki Lazarakou, president of the Capital Market Commission, Vivian Bouzali, general director of Communication and Marketing Strategy MYTILINEOS, Jenny Balatsinou, entrepreneur, spoke – Co Founder ImpacTalk.gr and Dimosthenis Tabakos, Olympian, and Petros Tatsopoulos, writer.

The event was coordinated by Marianna Pyrgioti Co Founder Dome Consulting Firm & Communication Expert, while former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Deputy Minister of Health Zoi Rapti and Deputy Minister of Tourism Sofia Zacharakis attended among others.

Στο χαιρετισμό που απηύθυνε ο δήμαρχος Αθηναίων Κώστας Μπακογιάννης, μεταξύ άλλων, τόνισε: « Το βιβλίο αυτό παρουσιάζεται στο δημαρχείο της Αθήνας για δύο λόγους.

Ο πρώτος έχει να κάνει με την ίδια την πόλη. Υπάρχει μια πολύ ωραία ιστορία, όταν πριν από πολλά χρόνια ο τότε δήμαρχος Παρισίων επισκέφτηκε την Αθήνα και συναντήθηκε με τον τότε πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας Κωνσταντίνο Τσάτσο.

Και ο Τσάτσος καλωσόρισε τον τότε δήμαρχο και μετέπειτα πρόεδρο Σιράκ, λέγοντάς του ότι υπάρχουν πόλεις σύμβολα, πόλεις ισχυρές και πόλεις ιδέες.

Και η Αθήνα είναι μια πόλη – ιδέα. Δεν είναι σύμπτωση πως όταν ο Προέδρος Μπαράκ Ομπάμα επισκέφτηκε την Αθήνα, επέλεξε να αποχαιρετήσει με την εικόνα του συμβόλου της Ακρόπολης, λέγοντας ότι καθ΄όλη τη διάρκεια της πολύχρονης Ιστορίας η φλόγα που άναψε εδώ στην Αθήνα, ποτέ δεν έχει σβήσει. Είναι η Αθήνα η γενέτειρα της Δημοκρατίας, είναι οι ίδιες αξίες, οι ίδιες αρχές που εμπνέουν ακόμη και τη Μισέλ Ομπάμα στην άλλη άκρη του Ατλαντικού…»

THE Petros Tatsopoulos he focused on the fear management chapter of the book, calling it the best chapter in the book.

In The Light Within Us, Michelle Obama emphasizes that you build your value by facing your fears, and continues that fear can sometimes be an obstacle, but at the same time it can also be a driving force, the fuel in a rocket, where with the right management they can launch you, while with the wrong management they can blow up that rocket…How you will identify your weaknesses and fears to make them driving forces to go higher along with the resume is what makes it stand out the book….»

THE Vasiliki Lazarakoureferred to her own course as well, emphasizing that “everyone present and everyone who read this book can find themselves in it, and identify with it.”

She focused on two elements of the book, namely diversity and self-confidence, saying: “Regarding my institutional role, that of the president of the Capital Market Commission, two years ago we proposed and passed a law that was passed by 4/5 of the Greek Parliament, where a quota for the participation of women should apply to the Boards of Directors of Listed Companies, as a result from 11% the participation of women on the Boards of Directors. to increase to 26%….The second thing that stood out to me in Michelle Obama’s book is her exhortation to build confidence».

THE Eliza Woseberg he said that he thinks the book is better than Michelle Obama’s previous one because it has self-critical elements, brings out optimism and gives you the motivation when you finish it that it is worth trying.

She referred to the fears that everyone has inside, but also to the chapter “I am invisible”, citing the examples that impressed her, while it is a book that should be read twice, identifying in the chapters what we want to get.

THE Demosthenes Tabakos referred to the author’s reference to Maya Angelou, and in particular to her claim that “nothing can dim the light that shines from within,” saying that it reminded him of the post by Paralympian Chrysis Morphis who had said that “I am, whatever enters then it overshadows your truth”, but also the phrase of the swordsman Mousasi, that “through the path of the sword you seek the light”, thus connecting sports with Michelle Obama’s references in her book.

THE Jenny Balatsinou spoke of a human book written in truth: “Michelle Obama writes primarily as a human being, and as First Lady by the way. And the details he talks about include boundless empathy and emotional intelligence…».

Standing on the concept of empathy, she emphasized that “when you don’t understand and don’t put yourself in the other person’s shoes, you can’t understand yourself either. Empathy also includes humility, it also includes Light.”

THE Vivian Bouzali he referred to the concept of self-confidence, speaking experientially and highlighting elements of the narrative with which he feels closest.

He noted that “confidence is constantly being built, where in life you fall and rise until you find your goal.” I am very happy with this book, she emphasized, while referring to the concepts of evaluation, hard work, and hope that she found in the pages of the book “The Light Within Us”.

It is noted that the book is distributed in all bookstores by ATHENS BOOKSTORE PUBLICATIONS.


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