Samara Felippo, 48, caused controversy on social media this Tuesday (14) by criticizing a video that recently went viral on the internet. In it, a father appears teaching his son to ride a bike on a beach and the images even have music in the background, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. “Is the scene beautiful? Of course, nobody disagrees. But everything a father does in the slightest goes viral as ‘daddy’. I doubt that if it were a mother there, as is usual, the video would go viral”, he began.
The actress even reinforced her theory by saying that she had already gone through the experience. “I myself already posted with my youngest when she learned to ride a bike and nothing. It only goes viral when I post the butt… with criticism, of course!”, Analyzed Samara on her Twitter account.
The publication quickly gained several comments. While some defended the actress’ point of view, others criticized her. “But then it’s not the poor guy’s fault that you are only relevant to your audience because of your external appearance, bro. Let the guy enjoy with his son”, commented a follower. Samara replied: “No one said it was his fault. It’s great that he is that father!!! I’m raising a question that they will never know what it is, because they don’t know what it’s like to be a single mother. And I’m not talking about me , no. More than 55,000 children were registered without the father’s name”.
A follower then questioned whether Samara was being too critical. “Not that you’re wrong in your reasoning, but don’t you think we’re getting too sour with so much problematization? It was just a cute video and now it’s turned into a doctoral thesis.” “That’s good! What a turn. Maybe we’ll see less males taking Campari”, countered the actress.
Samara still responded to some comments, but decided to close the subject after some personal attacks. “To the guys who were offended by a debate I raised and who only know how to get into a subject by humiliating and offending a woman, go wash the dishes, wash some clothes. And there is also the option there to “Unfollow”, how simple! ! Fucking laziness*!”.
Source: Folha
I am Frederick Tuttle, who works in 247 News Agency as an author and mostly cover entertainment news. I have worked in this industry for 10 years and have gained a lot of experience. I am a very hard worker and always strive to get the best out of my work. I am also very passionate about my work and always try to keep up with the latest news and trends.