The behind-the-scenes moves made all this time by some players in the “Survivor All Star” the show revealed “Our breakfast”, with Fai Skordas, on SKAI.

More specifically, Stavroula conveyed Bartzis’s question as to why the team does not vote for Vassalos. However, according to reports from the show, this is how the… attack against the specific player was set up.

It is worth noting that Vassalos has stated in the past that Nikos Bartzis is a strong player. Apparently, then, this particular labeling bothered him. Stavroula and Vassalos “crucified” Nikos Bartzis. The show, in fact, talked about an orchestrated plan to deconstruct Barzis by Stavroula, Bogdano, Vassalo, Spyros, Saki, Marialena and Saltaferidou.

Also, according to the show, the Wednesday, April 19 we will see one on our TV receivers struggle between Greeks and Turks. The top player of this match – this player will achieve 5 wins – is Spyros Martikas!