Tonight at 21.00 on SKAI, with Giorgos Lianos
The cohabitation of the two teams in the hut is anything but easy for the Blues and the Reds. Some are more pressured and express their displeasure especially when they see their teammates getting close to opponents.
The tension between Stavroula Chrysaeidi and Melina Metaxas hits red and the sleeping position in the hut is only the reason.
Konstantinos Vassalos feels uncomfortable with the comments that are heard and even more so when he hears the words of Takis Karagounias about his relationship with women. Their friendship is shaken…
Will the Reds manage to claim victory in this demanding battle arena or will the Blues continue their winning streak?
In the Council of the island o Spyros Martikasthe Evi SaltaferidouThe George Koromithe Melina Metaxas and Takis Karagounias they face the possibility of leaving. Which Survivor will say goodbye forever to Survivor All Star;
Watch the trailer:
SURVIVOR ALL STAR: it’s not a game, it’s survival!
Source :Skai
I am Frederick Tuttle, who works in 247 News Agency as an author and mostly cover entertainment news. I have worked in this industry for 10 years and have gained a lot of experience. I am a very hard worker and always strive to get the best out of my work. I am also very passionate about my work and always try to keep up with the latest news and trends.