Known for her work as a comedian on the Porta dos Fundos channel, actress Evelyn Castro put her joy aside to get serious on her social media profile. In a video, she gave details of a relationship that caused trouble for her.
According to the actress, the relationship ended five months ago. However, whenever they both saw each other, there would be fights and he would ignore her when she brought up a delicate subject.
“Distance problems. We came to the conclusion that it was no longer possible. After we actually broke up, which was in a bad way, because we stopped talking to each other, news fell into my lap, that I was cheated on and that this person lived a double life from the beginning”, he said.
According to her report, she gradually became aware that she was in a toxic relationship. “The blindfold was that I experienced abusive things and psychological violence. I was ignored a lot, because the person didn’t like to talk. There was no dialogue. I had anxiety attacks at that person’s house. I was always the crazy one,” she said.
In another part of the video, Evelyn says that she was left alone on the subway and in restaurants, but that the next day he apologized and she accepted. “That caused me great agony, because we had a set amount of time to see each other. And it seems that for him everything was fine and it didn’t matter much. So I understood why. He had a double life.”
At the end of the outburst, the actress states that all women should talk about the topic and notice the signs. “We don’t have to remain silent anymore in the face of all these things. It’s regrettable, it’s sad. It’s a person that I admired, even though he committed psychological violence. Because the woman blames herself, so I accepted things.”
Source: Folha
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