A new four-part documentary titled “Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story” promises an exciting and thrilling journey for both his fans of legendary band Bon Jovias well as for music lovers.

The first 29-second teaser released reveals jaw-dropping concert footage, backstage camaraderie and candid interviews with former and current band members.

“Every night was a war,” says David Bryan in the teaser, which also brings to light the band’s early aspirations and footage of frontman Jon Bon Jovi’s battle with his health, raising questions about the band’s future.

During a panel for the TCA documentary in California, the famous singer revealed that he wanted to introduce his fans to the real story behind the iconic band as it celebrates a major milestone.

“It’s actually the band’s 40th anniversary. I wanted to record what happened in the past, with an eye on the future,” he said.

The direction belongs to multi-Emmy winner, Gotham Chopra who is also an executive producer while the editing and production is signed by Alex Trudeau Viriato.