BBB 24: Beatriz shoots Fernanda in Sincerão: ‘What would become of scoundrels, if it weren’t for suckers’


The protagonists of the week had to tell who they want to eliminate from BBB 24, among the twelve missing from the reality show. In addition to setting up the traditional edition podium.

The leader Giovanna, the angel Matteus and the couples Alane, Beatriz and Ráculo took part in the dynamic. The five players voted for different people during the program, see the timeline of each brother’s nominations.

Giovanna wants to eliminate Beatriz, Alane and Davi. “I don’t know where the fight with Bia started,” said the girl from Minas Gerais. Alane was the person Giovanna voted for the most in the edition.

The sister’s podium is made up of Ráculo and Pitel.

Matthew wants to eliminate Pitel, MC Bin Laden and Fernanda. “He keeps saying that I’m nice, that I’m soo”, said the gaucho about Pitel. Bin was the brother who received the most votes from Matteus on BBB 24.

The brother’s podium is made up of Beatriz and Alane.

Alane wants to eliminate Ráculo, Giovanna and Leidy. “First to Ráculo because she’s on the wall with my best friend”, Justified the woman from Pará. Despite talking about three women, the person most voted in the edition by Alane was MC Bin Laden.

The sister’s podium is made up of Beatriz and Matteus.

Beatrice wants to eliminate Giovanna, Pitel and Fernanda. “Fernanda’s phrase is: what would become of scoundrels, if it weren’t for suckers”, said the São Paulo native. Bia voted for her sister four times throughout BBB 24.

Beatriz’s podium is made up of Alane and Matteus.

Raquel wants to eliminate Alane, Beatriz and Davi. “He spoke badly about Isabelle at the beginning of the game and now he’s her best friend”, said the girl from Espírito Santo about Alane’s behavior. The woman from Pará was targeted by Ráculo twice.

The sister’s podium is made up of Giovanna and Isabelle.

Source: Folha

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