With the onset of Alzheimer’s, Íris Bruzzi starts living at the Artists’ Retreat in Rio


Ana Cora Lima

House 9 of Retiro dos Artistas, west of Rio, has a new resident. Actress and former star, Íris Bruzzi, 89, arrived at the location this Thursday (20) after spending time in the United States, where she lived with her son Marcelo Caruso, in Tampa, Florida. Iris was accompanied by a caregiver.

“She is physically well and has the onset of Alzheimer’s, which she was already treating in the United States. Íris lost her green card [cartão de residência permanente em terras norte-americanas] and could not stay there illegally. The son thought it best to bring her here. She always spoke very highly of the Retiro”, says Cida Cabral, administrator of the shelter that has served as housing for elderly artists with financial difficulties, health problems and/or without support from family and friends for 105 years.

According to Cida, the property now occupied by Íris belonged to singer and actor Francisco Roberto Cruz Ramos, known as Betinho, who died in early May. He was also a composer and author of several soundtracks for soap operas shown on Globo in the 1970s.

“Íris was a regular at the Retiro and when she arrived here, she remembered several things. Even a thrift store that we still have. Her son renovated the house, added new furniture and spread photos of her career on the walls. She was very moved and happy”, says the administrator.

President of the Artists’ Retreat, Stepan Nercessian spoke about the actress’s arrival at the shelter. “Íris is in the history of our cultural and artistic life. A beautiful woman who enchanted audiences. It is an honor for the Artists’ Retreat to welcome her. Not to mention that she is a mother who is very loved by her children”, he comments.

Íris Bruzzi acted in soap operas such as “Belíssima” (2005), “Pecado Capital” (1998), “Vale Tudo” (1988) and “Corpo a Corpo (1984), on Globo. She also participated in plots on Record: “Pecado Mortal” (2013) “Máscaras” (2012), “Ribeirão do Tempo” (2010) and “Chamas da Vida” (2008). The actress’s last work on TV was a participation in the sitcom ‘Treme treme”, from Multishow, in 2020.

Source: Folha

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