With the topic of the day, namely taking off her blouse Matoulas Zamanis also dealt with Sophia Moutidou in a video she uploaded to her personal YouTube channel. The actress who regularly communicates with the world through the internet expressed herself openly about all the chaos that happened both on social media and on television with the movement of the singer and the thousands of comments.

“What goes through people’s minds when an overweight man throws his shirt on a stage, as an artist, at the bow, before or anywhere during his show, showing off his body?

People are divided into too many categories and with too many pasts. Everyone can have their own opinion about themselves and their opinion about others.
I say it very often in my show, as long as he doesn’t pick up an online pen and write publicly humiliating comments” said Sofia Moutidou and continued:

“The audience who are perfect and shapely, they’re gods and they’ve solved their life problems and they say, ‘Well, aren’t you embarrassed?’ Is it possible? Who wanted to see you?’ I will answer very quickly all the audience that is there.

There is an audience that honors this particular artist and every artist, who pays a fee, does not see it for free on the Internet, does the honor, dedicates an evening to the artist he loves. The artist who loves – I say this both from the artist’s side and from the audience’s side – we don’t love someone for their looks, for the clothes they wear, we don’t love someone for their image, we love someone for what they wear.

It’s not that we were spoiled that Matoula Zamani threw her blouse in public and was overweight. It’s that something touched us. Every time we are disturbed by someone’s action, it has to do with us.

If someone’s action makes you bring out a part of yourself that is aggressive, reserved, then something is wrong with you, not with Matoula, not with her blouse, not with her body.”
And then he lashed out at some TV shows saying:

And I would really ask some shows that have from time to time condemned the overweight, not to now take their side – the self-evident, politically correct – side, just to gild the pill, without believing what they say.

Looks like guys. Don’t lie. It is something that can be seen. They communicate with our unconscious in some strange way. When you lie publicly that it is not possible to blame this artist, when you have done 3 more shows back and your voice, your tone, your worldview is against this act, it seems “go on for the shows”.