Farm 13: Aline is on the farm; Rico, Solange and Valentina compete in the Farmer’s Test


Rico, Aline, Solange and Valentina were the indicated pawns to dispute the seventh field of this season at Fazenda 13 (Record), this Tuesday (16th). The house’s most voted pawn sat on the stool and pulled one of the stall’s residents into the hot seat. The fourth was indicated by the dynamics of the remaining one.

Farmer Gui Araújo indicated Aline Mineiro straight to the farm, justifying that she does not take a stand in the game so as not to get upset with people.

Aline said that he did not expect the farmer’s vote, but that he does not regret his posture in the game. “If I could go back, I would do my own thing and distance myself from people who have become toxic to me,” said the worker.

With six votes, Rico occupied the second bench in the farm. He was able to pull a pawn from the stall and chose Dayane, whom he called a “dog snake” – an angry but not very dangerous snake –​ refusing to speak her name. “Did your hand not educate you?”, asked the girl. Rico replied, “No”.

The fourth place in the field was decided by the remaining one, but Dynho won a race and was immune from the remaining one. Solange Gomes was left in the remaining one and was the fourth nominated for the field.

But Dynho had the power of the yellow flame, which had allowed him to exchange a person from the countryside, except as indicated by the farmer, for a person from the branch. He saved Dayane and put Valentina in her place.

With the power of the red flame he gained from Dynho, MC Gui was able to immunize a person from the Farmer’s Proof veto and chose Valentina. Solange could veto a pawn for the race and opted for Aline.


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