Luciano Szafir returns to the catwalks for the first time after Covid


Luciano Szafir, 52, is not a novice on the catwalks, but he was looking forward to a “new face” backstage at São Paulo Fashion Week this Thursday (18th). He was one of the stars of Walério Araújo’s fashion show, the actor and manager’s first since he nearly lost his life due to Covid complications.

“It’s a great joy”, he comments to F5 the former model. “It’s a time to remember what happened, it’s something that is part of my life, it taught me a lot, it brought me a lot of positive things.”

But remembering the old days wasn’t the only reason he accepted the invitation. “[Estou] embracing the cause of ostomy patients, those who underwent colostomy, to say that my ostomy does not define me, you can do all the things you used to do”, he said. “Walério is to be congratulated for embracing the cause as well and inviting catwalk uncle [risos].”

Szafir says he is grateful for the abdominal surgery, which saved his life, but he has yet to fully recover. “I’m not 100%, I still have some Covid sequels, but that’s normal,” he said. “At the time, it’s like theatre, you forget everything. You may have a fever, in pain, but on the runway there’s that adrenaline.”

Xuxa’s ex-husband, 58, says he still has pain in his leg. “I went through a lot, I was hospitalized for 35 days. There’s a lot, but it’s normal”, he says. “[Faço] physical therapy every day, I live one day at a time. It’s not wanting to compare yourself to the things I was able to do before. The important thing is that I’m alive, the rest is all right.”

Having gone through the disease made him embrace projects aimed at those who also live with sequelae. “There are people who have lost their hearing, vision, there are people who have lost their legs… And there are the bereaved, who we also need to watch, because whoever loses someone also needs assistance. There is so much to do for people who have suffered the consequences and the deaths from this disease.”

To accompany him on the parade, several family members attended, such as mother Beth Szafir and daughter, Sasha, who also parades on Friday (19). Even, actor and businessman says he will be in the front row of the Misci fashion show.

“I’ll be yelling, ‘Daughter!'” jokes Szafir. “You have to be bothered by the father you have, I really scream [risos].


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